Thursday, July 10, 2008

Welcome to Drive for Obama

In a crucial and historic moment earlier this year we saw Barack Obama clinch the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States. From September this year, we are taking his message on the road. We will spray our car in Obama colours, and encourage more and more people to engage in this incredible process.

We believe that there is nothing more critical for our world than the election of intelligent, honest, fair-minded leaders and that Barack Obama is a rare and timely political talent; a man of supreme judgement, vision and inspiration at a time of war, economic recession and global environmental crisis.

Across America and the world, people are reconnecting with a politics we can all participate in and be proud of. Through Barack Obama's extraordinary Primary campaign, we have been brought into the political process in record numbers, inspired and united by the messages of the Hope and Progress we are convinced are within our reach.

We aim to take this message across America as “Drive For Obama” this fall. Planned as an exploration of the country that has been our home these past 12 months, this is an opportunity for us to connect with Americans from all walks of life, to meet and talk with them in this extraordinary election year.

The project is intended to be a fun, exciting and creative way of traveling, engaging on the issues and learning more about Obama, his message and his campaign at every level across the States and to discover and tap into people’s aspirations for the future.

For these reasons, we need your help. This has always been a movement of the grassroots, so we invite you to contribute and join us along the way, however you see fit. We need your artwork, thoughts, music, ideas and comments to make this work. We need you to forward this message to your friends, so we can let everyone know how we’re getting on.

More details will emerge here over the coming weeks and months as we press towards our provisional New York departure date of Monday, September 22, culminating in Chicago, Obama’s hometown, in time for the big night on November 4.

We hope you will join us at this critical time for the campaign and the world.

Warmest regards,

Russell Honeywell and Alex Smith.

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