Tuesday, September 23, 2008

41 Days...

As a result of decisions made by the Republican adminsitration during the past 8 years, we are overstretched in two foreign wars, and continuing to invest in tax and energy policies that are crippling our interdependent global economy. The Republican executive has this week requested a further 700 billion tax dollars in an attempt to rescue its failed economic program.

With this is mind, we are leaving New York City tomorrow, September 24, to bring our own personal message of Hope and Action to the country that has been our home these past 13 months.

After many false starts, innumerous disappointments, and much rethinking, we finally have a car, a flexible itinerary and contacts within the grassroots campaigns that have brought Barack Obama to this historic moment.

But, as far as the movement has come, the most important work remains ahead of us.

As we travel the route below, we will be volunteering, canvassing, attending local events and engaging with Americans across some of the 'Reddest' states in the country, including Tennessee, Louisiana, Arizona, Alabama and Texas.

Our first formal appointment is in Virginia, where we will attend a Presidential Debate Watch Event on Friday night.

Virginia is now one of the most critical swing states, whose 13 electoral votes went to Bush in 2000 and 2004, but where Barack is currently within 1.3 points of securing a stunning swing that could win him the Presidency.

Further along the route, we will try to maxiimize the visuals with t-shirts, pin-badges and attending as many cultural events and rallies as possible.

As we travel, we will be keeping a video journal, and publishing the stories of Hope and Action we see and hear. We hope to be able to get some local press along the way, to expand the scope of our outreach.

And we need your help. Please forward the link to this Group to your freinds and family. Please put us in touch with anyone you may know at any level of the state or national campaigns. And please leave suggestions, ideas and comments where you can.

1 comment:

Little Lj said...

Drive safe..

Big love to you both
