Saturday, September 27, 2008

Media Outreach

Friday, September 26


We met with Holly Yeager

Holly is Senior National Politics Reporter for the Washington Independent and formerly worked for the Financial Times. In 2008, she has been a correspondent on the Primary process and recently published a profile on Michelle Obama in ‘O’ Magazine.

Along with her gorgeous daughter Claire, Holly gave us some expert advice and contacts with regard to expanding our networks to University communities and the Democratic base. Thanks, Holly.


We met with Jon Decker and Tom Rowe of Thomson Reuters

Jon and Tom gave us some expert advice on improving our blogspot from a visual and formatting perspective. Driving between Dc and Richmond Friday, Russ and I discussed their suggestions at length, and have a plan to implement the guys’ suggestions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear very good things about Thomson Reuters -- what a great company to visit while on the road.

Truer words never spoken about Claire and Holly; they are a gorgeous pair.